Empowered Parents Summit 2024
Day 4 - School Challenges & Academic Pressure
Below you can watch the Parenting Masterclass Sessions for Day 4 featuring:
How to Raise a Child Who's Always Ready to Take Charge and Get Things Done
Ned Johnson, Founder of the Leading Tutoring Service 'PrepMatters' & Co-author of the Best-Seller 'The Self-Driven Child'
Masterclass Description
When you transition from being a controlling parent to becoming more of a parental consultant, you're essentially teaching your child how to ignite their inner drive. Join Ned in this interview as he uncovers some of the most effective methods you can start using today to fuel your child's success and help them fall in love with learning.
How Encouraging Curiosity Beats Demanding Obedience Every Single Time
Ivy Xu, Education Innovator & Tech Startup Pioneer Rooted in Silicon Valley's Innovation Hub
Masterclass Description
In this episode, Ivy shares some absolute gems for parents to kickstart their kids' journey to success. Drawing from her experience in Silicon Valley, Ivy firmly believes that with the right guidance, kids can achieve what seems impossible to their parents. Make sure to watch with your kids for maximum impact!
Special Offer Of The Day:
School Success Secrets: Empower Your Kids To Double Their Grades Independently
School Success Secrets: Empower Your Kids To Double Their Grades Independently
Unlock Your Child's Natural Learning Drive: Here's How
Ellen Galinsky, President at Families and Work Institute & Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of Health
Masterclass Description
Ellen got curious about why so many kids aren't into studying. That's why in this episode, she's pulling back the curtain and sharing all the wisdom she's soaked up from over 100 top learning experts in the USA. Tune in to find out the key skills your kids need to not just ace school, but also keep that fire burning in every other part of their lives.
Get It Done: Executive Function Hacks to Boost Your Child's Productivity
Ann Dolin, Director of 'Educational Connections', Channel 8 Education Expert & Former School Teacher
Masterclass Description
In this episode, Ann brilliantly explains how changing your usual approach can help your child develop the willingness and desire to solve problems on their own, while, at the same time, relying on their intrinsic motivation, and not external rewards. Tune in to learn how to empower your child for academic success from the inside out!
Special Offer Of The Day:
School Success Secrets: Empower Your Kids To Double Their Grades Independently
School Success Secrets: Empower Your Kids To Double Their Grades Independently
Running on Empty: How Learning Disabilities Can Drain Your Child's Motivation
Dr. Richard Selznick, Psychologist, Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics
Masterclass Description
Dr. Richard delves into the root causes of a child's poor performance in school, highlighting how feelings of disconnection and discouragement can lead to shutdown. In this powerful episode, you'll gain insights into what really might be going on with your child. But, you’ll also learn how to get them to recharge their motivational and emotional batteries.
Turning Roadblocks Into Stepping Stones for Your Child With ADHD
Dr. Janina Elbert Maschke, European Award-Winning ADHD Innovator & ADHD Coach With a PhD in Psychology
Masterclass Description
In this fantastic interview with Dr. Janina, you'll uncover how to harness your kid's hidden talents that you might not even be aware of. By the end of the talk, you'll also learn practical strategies to help your child recognise when to take breaks or ask for help before the ADHD exhaustion kicks in.
Special Offer Of The Day:
School Success Secrets: Empower Your Kids To Double Their Grades Independently
School Success Secrets: Empower Your Kids To Double Their Grades Independently
How Deep Hypnotic Reprogramming Can Empower Your Kid to Become a Top Achiever
Dr. Aleksander Sinigoj, Leading NLP Master Trainer & CEO of a Prominent NLP Academy in Central Europe
Masterclass Description
In today's episode, Dr. Aleksander is bringing back an often forgotten approach. He's showing parents how hypnosis can actually be a powerful learning tool. Tune in to hear some of his favourite real-life success stories, as well as how to introduce hypnosis and self-hypnosis to children so they can empower themselves to become better learners.
Special Offer Of The Day:
School Success Secrets: Empower Your Kids To Double Their Grades Independently
School Success Secrets: Empower Your Kids To Double Their Grades Independently