Empowered Parents Summit 2024
Day 2 - Discipline & Behavior Management
Below you can watch the Parenting Masterclass Sessions for Day 2 featuring:
How to Shed Your Emotional Baggage for a Deeper Connection With Your Child
Dr. Shefali Tsabary, World-Renowned Clinical Psychologist, Oprah's Favourite Parenting Coach & Top-Selling Writer
Masterclass Description
Dr. Shefali masterfully guides parents to uncover not only their emotional baggage that's holding them back, but also to find their true inner voice. Join her in this interview to pick up some life-changing tips on how to start making a positive impact on your kids' behaviour from this very moment, all while being their best friend and their fierce protector at the same time.
How My Golden Formula Ended Yelling for Thousands
Tia Slightham, Founder of the 'Parenting With Purpose', Certified Parenting Coach & Master's Level Early Childhood Educator
Masterclass Description
Parents nowadays seem to be yelling at their kids more often than ever. That's why in this interview, Tia is sharing her "golden formula" that has helped thousands of parents truly understand their child's needs and avoid meltdowns altogether. Tune in to hear some success stories from parents who've followed Tia's revolutionary approach!
Special Offer Of The Day:
Anger Management for Kids: Teach Your Kids Emotional Self-Regulation
Anger Management for Kids: Teach Your Kids Emotional Self-Regulation
Answering Parents' Most Asked Questions About Raising Difficult Children
Tania Johnson, Psychologist & Co-founder of the World's Leading Online Platform 'Institute of Child Psychology'
Masterclass Description
With all the advice out there on parenting strong-willed kids, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. That's why it's important to hear from experts like Tania. She'll tell you exactly what you need to do when things get out of hand. Tune in for some real life-changing tips on managing conflicts and keeping everyone, including yourself, calmer and happier.
Reading Between the Lines: What Your Child With ADHD Is Really Trying to Tell You
Brooke Schnittman, ICF & Board Certified Life Coach Specializing in ADHD, Founder of 'Coaching With Brooke'
Masterclass Description
As an ADHD coach and someone with ADHD herself, Brooke has some pretty unique insights into how children with ADHD really need us to approach them. In today's episode, you'll discover how to help your kid build resilience while also steering clear of traps like mood swings, anxiety, and forming unhealthy obsessions with the world around them.
Special Offer Of The Day:
Anger Management for Kids: Teach Your Kids Emotional Self-Regulation
Anger Management for Kids: Teach Your Kids Emotional Self-Regulation
Lessons on Loving Life With Little Ones, Straight from a Mom of 5
Marielle Melling, Founder of 'Lovin' Life with Littles', Author of 'Peace Amidst the Mayhem', Health Educator
Masterclass Description
These days, parents are feeling busier and more stressed out than ever before. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Marielle has been through it all while raising her five kids almost alone and starting a parenting business. In this episode, she's spilling all the secrets on what exactly you can do to transform your home into an oasis of peace.
How Setting and Sticking to Firm Boundaries Can Revolutionise Your Daily Life With Children
Kathy Bowers, Certified Parenting Coach With Over 40 Years of Experience in Navigating Challenging Children
Masterclass Description
Kathy's been in countless homes across the UK, witnessing all sorts of moments with families—some heartbreaking, others exhilarating. And now, she's here to share everything she's learned over four decades of experience. In this fantastic discussion, Kathy is teaching you step by step how to set boundaries that your kids won't feel tempted to push.
Special Offer Of The Day:
Anger Management for Kids: Teach Your Kids Emotional Self-Regulation
Anger Management for Kids: Teach Your Kids Emotional Self-Regulation
One Key Ingredient to Manage Your Child's Aggression
Tosha Schore, Creator of 'Parenting Boys Peacefully', Bestselling Co-author, Blogger & Parenting Columnist
Masterclass Description
In this eye-opening chat, Toscha urges parents to see their child's behaviour in a fresh light. She shares how to love and accept your child just as they are, without feeling constantly triggered or embarrassed by their (re)actions. If you're ready to make this mindset change and strengthen your bond with your kids, come join Toscha!
Sign up Free for Tosha’s 10-Day Reconnect
Creating Unbreakable Parent-Child Connections
Marko Juhant, Europe's Favourite Parenting Expert, Former Principal of School for Troubled Youth & Bestselling Author
Masterclass Description
Marko is one of the most beloved and esteemed parenting experts in Europe who rarely gives interviews in English. With his incredible success in working with troubled youth, he's here today to share some top-notch parenting and discipline advice that got even the most challenging kids truly bond with their parents.
Access Marko’s FREE Parenting Guide
Special Offer Of The Day:
Anger Management for Kids: Teach Your Kids Emotional Self-Regulation
Anger Management for Kids: Teach Your Kids Emotional Self-Regulation